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How to Install Double Kitchen Sink Plumbing

5 Star Plumbing > Blog > How to Install Double Kitchen Sink Plumbing

Installing a double sink in the kitchen can be a great solution for homeowners with a large family or for those who love to cook and spend a lot of time in the kitchen. A double sink allows you to use it more functionally than a single one. 

For example, now you will not be bothered by dishes that have not yet been washed, since you can put dishes in one sink and wash vegetables and fruits in the other to continue cooking dinner. The double sink allows you not to be distracted while cooking and is ideal for large families where you have to wash a lot of plates after a meal. 

If one of the cases described above suits you, then we will recommend you install a double sink. This can be done during the renovation of your old kitchen or when buying a new house. The good news is that installing a double sink does not require special skills and is no different from installing a conventional kitchen sink.

Steps to Install a Double Kitchen Sink

Now let us move on to the process of installing a double sink in the kitchen. We will get you acquainted with a few simple steps that you need to follow in order to properly install the sink.

1. Understand the process of installing all the parts 

First, we advise you to see which parts are attached to the sink and which ones you bought separately. To install a sink, you will need: 

  • a sink siphon (it must be connected to a pipe that protrudes from the wall in your kitchen);
  • the so-called “T” section (used water is removed through it);
  • the “J” section (it is attached to the sink itself).

Be careful! Before buying, you should measure the dimensions of your kitchen and take them into account when buying a sink and all the necessary parts. If you are not sure which double sink will suit you or what parts you need to buy, it will be better to discuss this with a plumber or with a seller in a plumbing store. There are sinks and pipes of various sizes; they are not universal and may not fit together.

2. Proceed with the sequential assembly of parts

You must make sure that all parts of the installation (especially the pipe to which you will connect other parts) are completely dry. If you do not block the water and connect the wet pipes to each other, then the tightness will be broken during the connection, which can lead to further leakage. Only after you have wiped all the parts dry with a towel can you tighten the sliding nuts of the circular section. 

Start connecting the pipes one by one. First, the drainage pipe is connected to a straight section of PVC pipe. Then attach the sink siphon, which is then attached with a so-called “T” section. Keep in mind that it is extremely important that the siphon is clearly under the sink. That is why it is important to measure the length of each pipe in advance.

3. Cut off the ends of the pipes 

Once you have previously connected all the above parts in the correct order, you should see if there are parts of the pipes that need to be cut so that they fit together better. If yes, then you will cut off the pipe with a hacksaw. Next, connect the pipes. To do this, connect the thread on each part with a nut.

4. Fix the pipes tightly together

Finish the installation by tightening all the nuts connecting the installation tightly. However, do not push too hard, as you can damage the pipes! Pliers are perfect for this purpose. If you want to make sure that you have tightened enough, you will have to turn on the water and check if there are leaks through each connection.

Pieces of advice that are worth remembering

If you want to provide additional reliability and protection against potential leaks, you can also use a plumber’s tape. Additional bonding is not really required for plastic pipes that are installed correctly. However, you can install the pipes more securely using tape.

You should never make hasty decisions. Most likely, you are not a professional plumber, so it is better to measure the pipes several times before cutting them (if required, since standard sizes are not suitable for your kitchen).

We hope you will be able to complete all the steps described above without any problems on your own or thanks to the plumbing. As a result, you will get a perfectly equipped double sink in the kitchen. One has only to start using it and you will be surprised by its convenience!

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    I bring over 9 years of dedicated plumbing experience to the table. As a seasoned professional in the plumbing industry, I've tackled a wide range of projects, from residential repairs to large-scale commercial installations.

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